Bhakti Theology Song 1343
1343 I depend upon you
When I live
Depending only on you
A hope will come
Within my heart
When there is
None to help
I will become strong
As you give strength
Though there might be
Thousands of reasons
For me to become tired
As trials come
Definitely there
Is a reason
To overcome it
And to win
When your protection is
Around me
As your grace
Gives me courage
There is no chance
For any defeat
You never redeemed me
To be defeated
The trials might give
Some tiredness
Only in the body
When they come
Seeing the tiredness
In the body
The heart also might
Be discouraged
But the grace and peace
That you give
Will give more and more
Strength to my spirit
No new trials
Have come to me
That do not come
To others
But you never set
Any kind of limitation
To your grace
That you bestow to me
Added to that as you are there
To give company to me
No trial will
Ever overcome me
As long as there is support
For the creeper to spread
It never fells
However the wind blows
Gurukulam, 10-2-2022, 11.15 p.m.
As they have to attend one important function in their relatives
house the helpers didn’t come today. In the
past when I stayed with my mother seven years before I managed everyday life
plus taking care of the ashram without any helper for several weeks. But now
the scenario has changed. The only fear I have is that what if my mother fell down? Then I
cannot lift her alone. So from the morning I took extra care in doing all my regular
work. I walked a bit extra slowly so that I wouldn't fall or hurt myself.
Similarly when I took my mother to give her a bath I was very careful and took
all the precautions so that she wouldn't fall down while I gave her. So all the
activities done with extra care and strain took a toll on my body and when I
was about to retire to bed in the night, I sat quietly and amazed the way the Lord
gave me both strength and inner peace throughout the day. Considering the
trials and troubles that most of the people face each day is more and what I
undergo each day is almost nothing compared to them. However
what I realized is that God never set any limitation to pour His grace to me
and gave much inner strength and encouragement to carry out even normal life
with much grace and peace. Then I said to the Lord in my
prayer [In Tamil] when I live depending upon you there is hope in me’. Then as
inspiration came I wrote this song as my prayer and thanks giving to the Lord
1343 உன்னையே சார்ந்தேன்
உன்னையே சார்ந்து
வாழ்ந்திடும் போது
நம்பிக்கை ஒன்று
உதவிட எவரும்
வாராத போது
வந்திடும் வலிமை
நீதர நன்று
சோதனை ஒன்று
தேடியே வந்திட
சோர்ந்திடக் காரணம்
ஆயிரம் இருந்தும்
மேற்கொண்டு அதனை
வென்றுமே காட்ட
காரணம் மட்டும்
நிச்சயம் உண்டு
உன்காவல் என்னைச்
சூழ்ந்துமே இருக்க
உன்னருள் எனக்குத்
துணிவையும் அளிக்க
தோல்விக்கு எந்த
வாய்ப்புமே இல்லை
தோற்றிட வென்று
மீட்கவும் இல்லை
வந்திடும் சோதனை
மிஞ்சியே போனால்
தந்திடும் சோர்வை
தேகம் தன்னில்
மேனியில் வந்திடும்
சோர்வினைக் கண்டு
உள்ளமும் சற்று
தளர்ந்திடக் கூடும்
ஆயினும் நீதரும்
அருளும் அமைதியும்
ஆவியை மேலும்
வலிமை ஆக்கும்
பிறர்க்கு வாராத
சோதனை ஏதும்
புதிதாய் எனக்கு
வந்திட வில்லை
ஆயினும் எனக்கு
நீதரும் அருளுக்கு
வரைமுறை இதுவரை
நீவைக்க வில்லை
அத்துடன் உனது
துணையும் இருக்க
சோதனை ஏதும்
படரக் கொம்பு
உள்ள வரையில்
காற்று அசைத்தும்
கொடி வீழ்வதில்லை
குருகுலம், 10-2-2022,
இரவு 11.15
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