Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ten Vaishnavite Oaths

Ten Vaishnavite Oaths.

In this morning (April 8, 2007) in the National Tamil T.V. channel, one
famous religious speaker (Sri Velukkudi Krishnan, from Vaishnavaite
sampradaya) read out ten oaths to his audience to repeat after him. A few
are along sectarian lines as expected-Ramanuja is the only acharya to be
followed, and Narayana as the only god to be worshipped. But what is
interesting to me is two oaths. In the first he said, 'neither by birth, or
wealth or education we won't consider ourselves as great'. But he never
said 'by birth, or wealth or education we won't consider ourselves as great
but will treat all are equal'. The eleventh one is, 'I will share these
oaths with at least ten persons.'

I wish I could have recorded them and shared all those ten oaths. I don't
want add any of my comments but any one can read their own as per her/his

Dayanand Bharati.

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