Friday, June 19, 2009

Listening is Doing

Listening is 'sadhana,' and it needs single-minded concentration.  When we began to (negatively) react or (positively) respond while listening, then actually we are not listening.  Then quoting Osho, Sukisivam (Sun T.V., 31st May, 2009) as usual very nicely explained how to develop the art of 'listening'. 


But after his talk, while I was thinking on this subject I realized how it is practically impossible for most of us to listen without reacting or responding to it simultaneously.  Of course there are many who can do it, but I am talking about ordinary people like me.  The reality is that while listening to others, not only do we think of various things related what is being said, but we often fail to allow others to listen by passing our comments on it.  As a digression I would like to mention here the way some people irritate others by passing comments while they listen the news or to some other programme.  Some during a T.V. debate or panel discussion, we comment on some point, and we began our debate and argument without listening the entire programme ourselves or allowing others to listen.  It is like changing the T.V. channel without seeing one programme properly.  Some have this sickness which often irritates me and others also.

Well, coming to the point, as Arjuna rightly says, 'The mind is so fickle that sometimes it is easier to hold the wind in our hand than to control our mind' [Gita 6:34] (enabling it to listen without any deviation).  And Krisha, agreeing with Arjun that the mind is so fickle says, 'By practice and determination (vairag) we can train it'(Gita 6:35).  But, what is the evidence that we have achieved some success in this sadhana? If asked, I would say, 'By doing or implementing what we listened to.' Yes for me the real test of any TRUE LISTENING is practicing it, once we agree with it.  Otherwise all our listening will end like hearing any other sound.

Gurukulam, May 31, 2009.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Instant Satisfaction

Instant satisfaction is the curse of this age. Though many people are aware
of this fact, very few speakers have the courage to rebuke both the fake
gurus who promise to give it for a certain fee and the seekers who claim to
have it within a week or two through some workshop or class. But thankfully
Sri Suki Sivam challenged such instant satisfaction, particularly on
'enlightenment' etc. on May 16th 2009 on Sun T.V.

This is not the first time as he always takes up certain issues which are
very sensitive and boldly asserts his view. Particularly the way he exposes
hypocrisy among lay people as well as religious leaders is remarkable. Well,
my intension here is not merely to support Suki Sivam but to point out how
we should know the difference between 'detractor' and 'reviewer' on such
issues. When we share our views, sometimes very critically, then we are
blamed as 'fault finders'. 'Some people derive their pleasure by always
finding fault in everything that others do. Instead of appreciating all the
good aspects in it, they can see nothing but mistakes and failures. That's
why people often ignore such critics and continue to do what they think is
good for them. At least, irrespective all the shortcomings, more people are
seeking spirituality. Particularly as young people are showing much
interest, rather than finding fault, such speakers should encourage more',
is the counter comments on such speakers.

When we see a doctor, her prime duty is to diagnose the disease and provide
treatment for that particular problem. And a 'reviewer's' duty is also the
same. We do not derive any pleasure just by 'commenting' negatively. A fault
finder is one who has an inferiority complex and in order to hide her own
shortcomings and failures always comments negatively. Whereas a speaker like
Suki Sivam's aim is to steer the boat rather than allowing it to drift by
every wave and wind. The very next day, he also spoke about facing failures
courageously and encouraged those who feel defeated in life (I am not sure
whether he spoke in light of the election results) while living or fighting
for any cause.

Adding to his comments, here I too would like to say one more thing about
seeking instant spirituality through shortcuts. Many youngsters who seek
such 'experiences' do it as a kind of 'therapy' to escape from the stress
which they themselves created through their busy life. These days even a
lazy person does not have time for anything. As many youngsters want
'progress' and 'satisfaction,' they seek them quickly by using all kinds of
shortcuts. They think that such 'instant nirvanas' will provide the needed
therapy to overcome stress and the problems that have resulted due to their
lifestyle. Well, nature's law cannot be altered in everything. And seeking
true spirituality is a part of that natural process within us, not available
through any busy outward activities, workshops and classes. Thankfully, as
nature never fixes a price for its generous gifts, spirituality cannot be
bought at any price fixed by readymade gurus.

Gurukulam, May 20, 2009